The purpose of this blog

This is blog by Alex Lokk.

I created it for keeping articles and notes on professional & other subjects. Everything that matters for me.

My main interest is improvement of human abilities. Including adoption of existing best practices and exploring new methods. Also I do freelance in software development, for fun & money. Also I believe that magicians do exist, and wish there will be more of them.

Here are some projects I participated in:

  • Upgrade Way (Russian) – my general interest. Adopting the techniques & helping others.
  • HASD – Human Aging System Diagram, which is designed to show the process of human aging step by step. Current version of it’s visualization software is done by me.

Articles here are divided by tags. If you’re interested in something specific – you can choose tags from the left column. E.g.:

So, if you’re against repeating mistakes and you wish to adopt best practices; if you’re striving to make your life decisions in scientifically proven manner; if you’re making your hobbies your profession and striving to live your life, and not someone else’s; if you want to live forever, just because your life is too interesting & tasty, and you have vast creative plans – you’re welcome!

Please leave your comments, suggest information you have, criticize constructively, make reposts.

Alex HighCat: best practices, summary of productivity improvement methods, software development, personal observations, reports, provocations, analytics, fanfics, experiments.

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