Ultimate Broccoli Project

How do you supply your body with sulforaphane, if you’re a busy person? I bet your jaws got tired of chewing raw broccoli. I’m going to find a final answer if supplements work, how many caps you need daily, and if broccoli sprouts are the best option.

The plan:
1. Purchase Jarrow BroccoMax supplements. – DONE
2. Purchase reagents for sprouting – DONE
3. Sprout broccoli seeds and process them to boost myrosinase levels. (Thanks to Eugenia Malysheva “CatMafia” who collected the boosting technology ideas). – DONE
4. Describe the bulk sprouting technology in detail: from 500 to 2000+ grams at once. Intended to store in a freezer. – DONE
5. Make blood analysis for sulforaphane (DNKOM lab): – DONE
5.1. after taking 3-4 Jarrow BroccoMax caps.
5.2. after taking 10-20 grams of broccoli sprouts.
6. Check sulforaphane blood levels without taking broccoli of any kind. – DONE
7. Optional: test desiccated broccoli sprouts. Home-made technology. – DONE

Announcing crowdfunding!

  • Minimal goal: “BroccoMax vs Turbo-Sprouts”. 8000 RUB is required for lab tests.
  • Goal 2: control lab test without broccoli sprouts. 12000 RUB total.
  • Goal 3: desiccated broccoli sprouts. Includes some additional research for methods. Requires 16000 RUB.
  • Reagents, seeds, work, blood – on me.

Gifts for donators:

  • The first three sponsors from 500 RUB – 200 grams of frozen broccoli turbo-sprouts.
  • The first three sponsors donated the largest amounts – 200 grams of frozen broccoli turbo-sprouts.
  • All others: detailed description of the experiment, links to the suppliers, lifehacks, answers!

Cards to donate: Crowdfunding is finished!

Tinkoff Bank: 4377 7237 4047 2489 (Александр Локк)
Sberbank: 5469 3800 8113 3638 (Виктория Сергеевна З)
Yandex Money: 
PayPal: highcatland@gmail.com
Bitcoin: 1F13LCz3HZjkKjLdUNWNbwVafi634xegzH
Ethereum: 0xB311fd28c2Ec2148c3133a5061cF05EC93B7901F

– don’t forget to add your nick or name to the payment message, or let me know by email highcatland@gmail.com or by Facebook personal messages.

Additional information on broccoli:

The project has started!

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