“Radical Candor” by Kim Malone Scott is available!

Today I finally received my copy of “Radical Candor” by Kim Malone Scott. Kim’s personal story started with working for typical repressive and humiliating boss, and so she decided to start own company with culture of mutual respect, where people could love their work and one another, regardless of positions.

So she tried to implement this idea, which resulted in unique experience. She also worked for Google and Apple, and analyzed their successful corporate culture.

This book tells how to retain a healthy culture in your company, where people can feel free in fulfilling their potential, and be on target at the same time. The central question is: how do you tell people about their mistakes, straightly and in time, without suppressing them? What do deep personal relationships mean in corporate culture, do they just help or do they necessary for your company? Was the Steve Jobs a tyrant and dictator in his company?

Get the book “Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity” on Amazon, or at the official website

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