Author: Alex Lokk

Stress resistance that doesn’t exist

If someone asks me if I’m stress-resistant, I would answer “no”.

Stress by definition is a reaction of an organism. If stress has appeared that means the organism is now mobilized for spending its reserves (fight or flight reaction) or that it’s in protection mode (indifference, depression).…

“Radical Candor” by Kim Malone Scott is available!

Today I finally received my copy of “Radical Candor” by Kim Malone Scott. Kim’s personal story started with working for typical repressive and humiliating boss, and so she decided to start own company with culture of mutual respect, where people could love their work and one another, regardless of positions.…

How to cope with computers: my 22 rules

How often computers consume your priceless time? Here I’m sharing rules which made my hardware reliable and software blazing fast.

We can’t without machines in our days, as we’ll loose competitive ability. I believe people don’t notice they’re becoming machines’ slaves.…